Friday, November 16, 2012

November 9, 2012

The American political situation calmed down again.
Of course, our family isn't American citizens so we are not related to that directly.
Time is moving toward step by step.
The daylight saving time finished by last week it seems almost winter now.  

ESL theme: the review of Pardon That Turkey

This book is summary about Thanksgiving story.
The beginning of the book is about how to start and  be declared Thanksgiving.

My image of Thanksgiving was just that the early American settlers who survived that first year in their hometown gathered together to feast and give thanks.

I didn't know that a special woman, Sarah Josepha Hole, had to fight to have declared for long time, so I felt interesting.

After seventeen years and thousands of letters to Presidents, congressmen and local officials, Sarah's fight had come to end.

President Lincoln saw her point. After the civil war, the country did need something to help pull it together.

In 1863, he declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.
It would be celebrated every year on the last Thursday in November.

Friday, November 9, 2012

ESL theme : American Colonies

1, Original map

Colonies During the French and Indian Wars, 1754-1763

The Original 13 English Colonies 1607-1733

2, Names of the first 13 colonies and History

The Thirteen Colonies were some of the colonies on the Atlantic coast of North America founded between 1607 (Virginia) and 1733 (Georgia) by a variety of interests from England and later Great Britain. They are best known as the founding political entities of the United States of America.
The colonies were: DelawarePennsylvaniaNew JerseyGeorgiaConnecticutMassachusetts BayMarylandSouth CarolinaNew HampshireVirginiaNew YorkNorth Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. Each colony developed its own system of self-government. Residents of these colonies were mostly independent farmers, who owned their own land and voted for their local and provincial government. Benjamin Franklin, in 1772, after examining the wretched hovels in Scotland surrounding the opulent mansions of the land owners, said that in New England "every man" is a property owner, "has a Vote in public Affairs, lives in a tidy, warm House, has plenty of good Food and Fuel, with whole clothes from Head to Foot, the Manufacture perhaps of his own family." Following aseries of protests in the 1760s and 1770s, these colonies united militarily in opposition to Great Britain and the rule of King George III with the outbreak of theAmerican Revolutionary War in 1775. In 1776 they declared their independence and formed a new nation, the United States of America.
Before independence, the thirteen were part of a larger set of colonies in British America. Those in the British West IndiesNewfoundland, the Province of Quebec,Nova Scotia and East and West Florida remained loyal to the crown throughout the war, although there was a degree of sympathy with the Patriot cause in several of them. However, their geographical isolation and the dominance of British naval power precluded any effective participation.

The British empire settled its first permanent colony in the Americas at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. This was the but the first of 13 colonies in North America. The 13 colonies can be divided into three regions: New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. The chart below provides additional information include: years of settlement and founders.
Sort: Colony Name, Year
View: List

Virginia1607London Company1624
New Hampshire1623John Wheelwright1679
Maryland1634Lord BaltimoreN/A
Connecticutc. 1635Thomas HookerN/A
Rhode Island1636Roger WilliamsN/A
Delaware1638Peter Minuit and New Sweden CompanyN/A
North Carolina1653Virginians1729
South Carolina1663Eight Nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II1729
New Jersey1664Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret1702
New York1664Duke of York1685
Pennsylvania1682William PennN/A
Georgia1732James Edward Oglethorpe1752

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012

My English skill is a little bit better than as before so it makes me energetic.
It is fun for me to communicate with others recently.
Now, I don't feel some hesitation and irritation and can relax to communicate with a native people.
It is like a treasure for me so I can spend my life in USA as it's in own country, still more.

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5, 2012

Today was a lucky day.
In second ESL class, the senior woman said to me " You are with a nice air, aren't you?".
It made me stare in surprise, but I felt so glad more and more.

After that in the evening, there was a Parent-Teacher conference for my younger son's class.
I and his teacher talked about him for about 20 minutes by myself.
It was no problem and I could ask her almost questions, so I have satisfaction with that.

I would like to keep such a happy things in my mind as long as I can.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012

I think it would be best to stay calm mind every day.
I want to always stay positive, sometimes I can not.

Now, I have a challenge to change the way of thinking of myself.

Because I tend to take things too seriously about human relations.
I'm a bright personality to the surface, the inner one is not really,and  I get nervous sometimes.

My age is probably about a half of my life.
It is very important for me how to enjoy and how I spend gently the rest of my life.

Friday, November 2, 2012

ESL theme: Electoral votes states

Election day is Tuesday, November 6th.
We were talking about the voting system in USA.

The followings are the electoral votes and population(estimate for July 1,2011).

<Top 5 states>
1    California     55           37,691,912
2    Texas           38           25,674,681
3    New York    29          19,465,197
4    Florida         29          19,057,542
5    Illinois          20          12,869,257
5   Pennsylvania 20          12,742,886

<Bottom 5 states>
1   Wyoming     3            568,158
2   Vermont      3            626,431
3   North Dakota 3         672,591
4  Alaska             3         722,718
5  South Dakota  3          824,082

2012 Electoral Map in USA

Democratic Party: Obama
Republican Party: Romney


Thursday, November 1, 2012

November 1, 2012

Today is the normal day after Halloween.
It seems everything is quietly more than as usual.
Many trees on the road sides are very beautiful color so I can enjoy seeing them everyday.

I've cut my hair after a long time and felt refreshed very much.
It might be my feeling was lighter,too.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30,2012

Hurricane Sandy has almost gone from our town.
But it made the weather get cold and windy still now.
I try to be good health for my children.

I was able to solve one of the issues so I was relieved today.
A positive attitude is very important.
I would want to be a smile what hard times.

Dogwood in Autumn NC

Friday, October 26, 2012

ESL theme:Jack-o'-lantern

A modern jack o' lantern is typically a carved pumpkin, although originally typically large turnips.
 It is associated chiefly with the holiday of Samhain and halloween and was named after the phenomenon of strange light flickering over peat bogs, called ignis fatuus or jack o' lantern.
 In a jack o' lantern, typically the top is cut off, and the inside flesh then scooped out; an image, usually a monstrous face, is carved out, and the lid replaced. It is typically seen during Halloween.


ESL theme: My favorite Japanese music video

I learned to embed a video on my blog in ESL class today.

This is my favorite Japanese music video which is the song of the Japanese movie.
The group is RAM WIRE, and the name of song is AYUMI, its' rough meaning of "walking in own life"
I like this melody and words which encourage me very much.

October 26,2012

It is drizzling right now and the sky is dark.
It seems a hurricane gets closer to North Carolina more and more.

I was very moody in this week and so tired.
But I can switch my feeling because I am diverted from my cares by doing something as a mother.

Autumn in North Carolina

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25,2012

There were things to reflect on me, I can't agree with everything still now.
I've been growing more and more angry with him.

It is the fact that is different from the male brain and the female one.
The male and the female can't understand each other everything, absolutely.

He seems to have needless fear for me.
It is not necessary he think of it because it is my business not his.
Anyway, I told him everything to say on that day, so I try to forget it.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October 23,2012

Last night , my husband complained to me about my attitude in a few weeks.
It is rare thing so that it make me think very much.

I have something on my mind recently and I wrote same things on this blog already.
It stands to reason that he talked to me, but I could't agree with everything.


Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22,2012

I want to be good control of appetite but I can't win from the temptation of sweets.
Last year, I was success to lose my weight perfectly.
But now, I can't have passion to diet at all so it is the glory of the past.
I think it is not good time for me.
However, It seems the excuse to get away from it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

October 20,2012

I have always thought I would like to focus on what to do by myself  for some time.
I want to be good at thinking of switching.

Recently, I think I need to train how to focus on something.
It is important how determined I am, maybe.
Will I try to meditation?


Friday, October 19, 2012

October 19, 2012

I feel that this week passed speedy. I was pressed by some various things I had to do as a mother.
I don't know if I spent a full life or not right now.
Anyhow, I am enjoying to live and love nature in NC very much.

squirrel in NC

ESL theme : NC State Fair

The North Carolina State Fair is an annual fair and agricultural exposition held in Raleigh, and North Carolina, and organized by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

The fair has been held at its present site on the western edge of Raleigh since 1928. The 344 acre site includes many notable buildings, including Dorton Arena, a 7,500-seat arena constructed with a unique large suspended roof.
Held for 11 days in mid-October, the fair attracts more than a million people to the N.C. State Fairgrounds in Raleigh. In 2010, the fair broke an attendance record with 1,091,887.

A view from the Midway with Dorton Arena in the background
There are a lot of exhibits, competitions and entertainment.
It is good for the family.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 17,2012

Recently, I eat too much because of some stress around me.
I know that is not good for my physical health but mental one very much.
It is the fact I regreted to do that everytime.

Actually,I am trying to lose my weight 2kg, but I can't.
I'd like to stop doing that and enjoy eating a suitable amount of dishes every meal.

Life is hard to me sometimes.
But I'd like to do my best in my own way.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October 16,2012

It was a pleasant weather, but I've spent a lot of time searching for what I am worried in the afternoon.
If I have a fear, I can't help but check up on Internet and any other information.
As long as we live, it will not run out worries....


Monday, October 15, 2012

October 15,2012

It rained intermittently but wasn't cold today.
Some roadside trees have turned red gragually.
I took 2 ESL classes on Monday and was able to enjoy with both classes more than usual.


Friday, October 12, 2012

October 12, 2012

It is a fine autumn day and I feel confortable today.
I like autumn season and look forward to seeing a lot of colored leaves some weeks later.
From now on, we have to go to the field in the city park for my kids' soccer lesson.
I hope they will be doing well safety.

Gelsemium sempervirens

ESL theme: Barack Obama and American President

Barack Obama Information
Barack Hussein Obama Jr. is the 44th and current of the president of United States of America.
He is a Democrat. Obama won the 2008 United States election, on November 4.
He became the first African-American president when he was inaugurated on January 20 2009.
He won the Nobel peace prize 2009. He was Illinois state senator from1997 to 2004.

With his wife, Michelle and 2 dauthers
The power of the American President 
The position of the president dominates American Politics. The president is head of America’s executive; Congress heads America's legislative and the Supreme Court, America's judiciary. These three parts of the government, make up the federal structure of politics in America.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 11,2012

Today was no ESL class because of teacher's business.
I went to go shopping for my children's clothes in the morning.
Incidentally, I bought some clothes for me so I was satisfied with getting them.

We were invited to our new friend's house for the first time afterschool, and I brought many cookies I baked at home to them.
My children could enjoy playing with him and I could enjoy talking with his mom.
But I reflect on today, I was talking too much.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 10,2012

We were able to get sunshine after an interval of a few days.
I love sunshine, but I don't like to get sunburned.
Am I greedy person?

My friend invited me to eat lunch together in her house today.
She is good at cooking very much so I could eat some delicious dishes she cooked.
We were talking about many kind of topics in our language.
It was almost non-stop talking in about 90 minutes but we spent wonderful time before children came back.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9,2012

It was cold today following yesterday.
 Will autumn deepen as it is?

My younger son left his gloves in the piano lesson's room yesterday, but I was able to get it back today.
He worried about them before going to the school in this morning, but he seemed to be relieved now.
The smile of my children encourages me very much.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Cold Monday

Today was drizzling and windy weather.
It have been low temperature since yesterday morning so I have felt so-so.

After I took my yonger son to the dentist and school in this morning, I attended ESL conversation class for the first time in the afternoon.  I couldn't speak much in that class. 
My children had something to do with my help afterschool, anyhow, I had a sence of fulfillment.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Normal Saturday

Suddenly I had been slightly feverish since yesterday evening, but this morning my fever went down.
I could take my children to the Japanese school and meet them there when they come back.
My husband came back to home from a business trip after that.

Today was a peaceful day. Weather was beautiful.
I will try to go to bed as early as possible for my condition.

Japanese flower in Autumn: Kikyo

Friday, October 5, 2012

ESL theme: The oldest city in the US

1.Saint Augustine, Florida
   St.Augustine is a city in the northeastern region of the U.S. state of Florida, and the county seat of St. Johns County. Founded in 1565 by Spanish explorer. According to the 2010 census, the city population was 12,975. 

St.Augustine waterfront 1860s
St.Augustine,ca 1861- 
View of St.Augustine
St.Augustine Major Roadways

Memorial Presbyterian Church

2.Jamestown, Virginia
   Jamestown was a settelement in the Colonoy of Virginia, the first permanemt English settlement in the US.
  On May 14,1607, the Virginia Company explores landed on Jamestown Island to establish the Virginia English colony on the banks of the James River, 60 miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
  Location is the southeastern of the Virginia state, population is 11,926(2007).

Jamestown location

3.Santa Fe, New Mexico


5. Kecoughtan, Verginia


Today is the first day of  ESL civics class for me.
Teacher Tim is so nice and gentle.
I can create this blog with his help.